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mean Girls

December 28, 2011

The “ you know what” Mean Girl:
These types of girls could be called the leader, or are often referred to as “queen bees”. If you’ve ever met one of these girls, you know it immediately. This girl is usually the one walking in the middle of two other girls, and is quick to put someone down. They’re usually sarcastic and “fresh”. This girl is very much a you know what. She is very rude and very disrespectful for other people’s feelings. They don’t care how what they say affects another person, as long as they get a laugh.

The truth about her: This girl is usually talking about someone else or trying to get a laugh because they don’t have anything intelligent or remotely interesting to say. They usually are extremely insubordinate in the class room because they simply cannot do the work. And I’ll let you in on a little secret: they’re nothing with out their followers. Oh you know the ones, the two or three you would think are attached to them if you didn’t know better.

Personal experience: I used to be very good friends with one of these girls. We shared notes and studied together. Until she got around her two best friends. When ever she was around them they would mess with me, because she knew I am not confrontational. She would let her friends talk about me, probably even laugh with them when I wasn’t around. When I thought she was my friend, I had once told her that I hated to have my picture taken. So when she got around those two all they would do was try to flash pictures of me and threaten to put them on facebook. I ignored it because they said they were just joking. I was still annoyed, but I let it go. Then school let out and sophomore year came around shortly after. It was only the second day of school and these girls were taking my picture at embarrassing angles saying they would post them. I got fed up and asked them what they’re problem was and told them to get a life and stop obsessing over my insecurities. My so called friend allowed her friend to get in my face and shout at me. I don’t know if you know this but when someone gets in your face it is a level of extreme disrespect. I have never in my life felt the urge to knock someone out until that day. It may sound bad, but Im just being honest. Incase you were wondering, no I did not hit anyone or get into a fight; I have to much to lose for that dumb crap. Now when I see what used to be my good friend and her wannabees walking around I get a knot it my stomach; not of fear, but of pure disgust and extreme dislike. Every time I look at their faces all the anger comes flowing back to me and I just have to cool off. Never again will I greet one of them with a smile or warm disposition. I am a very genuine person I believe. In eighth grade I got the courtesy award. Im really not mean or hard to get along with. It takes a lot to make me mad, but once somebody pushes someone like me to their limit, it will not be the same. Perhaps one day we will be able to put our differences aside and just tolerate one another. I will forgive a person, but I won’t forget.

The “Follower” Mean Girl:

If you’ve met a queen bee, I’m sure you’ve met a follower. The one girl, or pair in most cases, that follow the other one around and laughing at everything they say whether its funny or not. These girls don’t appear as a threat, but these types of girls are the people that give power to cliques and bullying. They go along with everything the other one says, even if they know it is wrong. They’re the kind of girls who stand there and watch their best friend tell another student how unpleasant their appearance is and just watch. Or most of the time antagonizing someone else just so there will be a show down. Or sometimes they just stand there and don’t do anything. They are sometimes an instigator. Or just as bad a bystander. They re not doing anything wrong, but they’re certainly not doing anything right either.

The truth about her: These girls usually strive to be the “leader”. If you’ve ever heard the expression “If you cant beat them join them” then you understand their way of thinking. There is really not much to say about them. They’re not very complex creatures, just sad followers who don’t think for themselves.

Personal experience: One day I was sitting in the class room and one of the three well known mean girls at my school sat beside me. She looked at me and said. “We heard what you were saying about us, what’s that about?” she asked. I was stunned really, because I really didn’t care enough to say anything about them. “What?” I said. “Why were you talking about us”? She again questioned. I felt like I was being interrogated. “I wasn’t talking about you, why would I say anything about you?” I answered. Then she shot her friend a look across the room and looked at me and smiled. “Ok, we just wanted to see if you were saying anything so we faked being mad, but now we know you’re not.” She seemed satisfied and just sat there. I just starred at her trying to understand her logic and why should would even think up a scheme like that. I felt not only betrayed, but like I was a pawn in some weird game of theirs. The followers go out and talk to everyone and report back to their friends for information on how to possibly start some kind of fight, or new joke material. It sounds so planned and unrealistic but is often true. Fact is people like that just like to get the attention and heat on someone else so its not on them.

The “Dangerous” Mean Girl:

This type of mean girl you hope to never come across. I personally have not, and hope you never do either. This type of mean girl does so much more than play catty mind games and call names. This type of mean girls physically abuses their victims to the point of verbal and physical abuse so severe that they brutally kill them or make them want to take their own life. This girl is beyond a you know what, this girl is deeply disturbed and pure evil. Their morals and priorities are so out of wack.

The truth about this girl: I could not tell you the truth about this girl, because I have luckily never had en encounter with one. All I can say is there behavior is one hundred percent inexcusable no matter what they have been through. Torturing a person to a point of death or excruciating pain is an evil act; and it seems like you hear more and more of it. How many times have you heard of a student being arrested for manslaughter because them and another student got into it. The truth is I don’t know if they understand that every time they hurt or take someone’s life that someone is not just a kid you didn’t like. That was someone’s child, someone’s sister, someone’s friend, someone’s WORLD. Now a days these girls go around taking the lives of everyone they don’t particularly like, which is NOT OK. Weather they know it or not I do not pity these girls. When someone goes to the point of stopping someone’s heart to solve there problems, it is disturbing on many levels.

Personal Experience: I am so lucky never to encounter one of these girls; but I can say what I’ve heard. It was just an ordinary day when I glanced down at the paper. It said a young person was sentenced almost 30 years in prison for torturing a fellow student until the girl eventually died. It wasn’t that long ago my friend was telling me what went on at her school. One of the promising A+student, chipper, head cheerleader was arrested and in prison for manslaughter. This is definitely not the type of mean girl you try to fight. You tell someone if they’re getting to close for comfort, and try avoiding them as much as possible. It’s a matter of lie and death. Although these kinds usually aren’t roming free in a high school, you never know. Be careful out there.

In conclusion, when growing up, kids are trying to find out who they are. To avoid being made fun of they often take a path in life that’s not favored. Being a mean girl is not the answer. Kids just feel the need to be in some sort of nitch and talk about others so they belong.  Not every thing you see in movies is real. You don’t have to be beautiful to be a mean girl. I know not every one I have encountered was. It isn’t a beauty thing, or a weight thing, it’s a power issue. That’s my theory; but I can tell you right now that queen bee crap wont fly in the real world. So if you are one I suggest you put your past behind you and apologize to everyone you’ve hurt. If you aren’t one, good for you you’ve found a way to be a genuine person and make friends by not hurt others. I have no idea how one would categorize me, Im sure they do, I just don’t really care. I may not be super popular but at least when I wake up I can look at myself in the mirror. I hope you can say the same.

Goody Two Shoes

You have morals and you make them known. You probably look down on your sisters who party a lot or do other scandalous things. You might even be kind of pretentious about it and/or a narc. For fun, you probably bust liquor stores that sell alcohol to minors.

The Princess

You’re probably the President of your sorority, Vice President of Student Government and engaged to your dream man already. You’re amazingly attractive and extremely nice, you have perfect grades and come to think of it, you probably never get acne, have a bad hair day or even poop. Good job! Everyone loves you!

Queen Bee

You’re really snobby about your sorority and think that only people who look, act and dress exactly like you should be allowed in. You probably don’t associate with anyone outside of your tiny circle of friends but in the end it’s ok because you’re probably going to marry some rich jerk who ignores you.

Miss Priss

Your closet is probably full of designer clothes. You wouldn’t be caught dead in some cheap or tacky shirt… unless your letters are on them. You don’t really party that much, you pay other people to do your homework and it’s like all you do is shop and bitch about stupid stuff.

At least you’re pretty.


You’re probably a pretty normal girl except that you’re in a weirdly religious sorority and never talk to boys, party or do anything fun with your life. Your philanthropy is most likely something like converting homeless people or small orphans to your religion.. I mean, cult.

The Ugly Girl

You were a loser in high school and now that you’re in college you feel you have something to prove to the world. Maybe you just lost 50 pounds. You don’t necessarily even enjoy being in a sorority but you act like if someone isn’t in your hosue, that they aren’t worth talking to. You should probably go back to being the nice person you used to be.

Horority Girl

You just scored the highest on the slut questions. You’ve slept with a lot of frat boys because you don’t have much of a personality and think that’s the only way to get attention from guys. Watch out, next spring break, you’ll be the kind of girl being targeted for “Girls Gone Wild: Sorority Edition”.

Put those boobs away!

Nice Skank

You love sex, probably just for the sake of sex itself but you most likely don’t kiss and tell. You’re pretty independent and friendly and you get a lot of attention just because you’re outgoing and down to earth. You have a lot of friends inside and outside the sorority and are comfortable hanging out with anyone. Unlike some of your fellow skanks, you’re not too cool to talk to some of the nerdier sisters and you enjoy the sisterhood.

Smarty Party

You know how to party and maybe come off as being ditzy but you’re actually really intellegent and do pretty well in school. For whatever reason, maybe you’re insecure and afraid that people won’t like you as much if you’re smart. Just be yourself!

Pretty Normal

You’re a happy medium between a slut and prude, you’re smart and generally well liked. You’re really outgoing and attractive and enjoy being in your sorority but you have other interests and/or career goals that you want to pursue as well. You’ll most likely stay friends with your sisters forever because you don’t create the kind of drama that ruins those friendships. More sorority girls should be like you!

The Stereotype

When people think of trashy sorority girls, they think of you. You don’t do any philanthropy, you party a lot, you sleep around, have a horrible fake tan and you’re probably mean too. Good job.

Fake Bake

You’re probably a good person deep down somewhere but being around your sisters has changed you for the worse. Maybe if you weren’t off hooking up with boys you could get better grades and if you weren’t so snobby about your sorority you could make more friends who actually liked you.

At least you do a lot of community service!


You’re a gold-digger. You’re an overachiever who came to college to find a rich husband or you joined a sorority to meet people who will help your career. You’re actually kind of slutty but the way you carry yourself, people might not assume that you are. You’re also not very nice but for some reason you think guys will flock to you despite your controlling nature, high maintenence personality and the superiority you feel by being in your sorority.

Maybe you should stop doing crack.

Girls are beautiful, intelligent, and altogether wonderful creatures… at least for the most part. There are several harmful types of girls you should avoid dating to help save your emotional, physical, and even financial well being. These types of girls are usually selfish and/or have bad habits that make them harmful to date. To get the scoop on these types of girls and how to identify them, read on.

1. Spoiled Brats
Spoiled brats make bad dating options because of their unrealistic expectations and unwillingness to acknowledge their flaws. If you decide to date a spoiled brat, you should expect to do a lot of work without getting any credit for it. This is because spoiled brats truly believe other people should serve them all the time. This makes spoiled brats both difficult and frustrating to date. If you’re wondering if a girl you’re interested in is a spoiled brat, look for these signs:


  • She expects you to do all of the work in the relationship
  • She blames you for her problems
  • She frequently complains and nags
  • She bosses you around


Spoiled brats just don’t care about the needs of other people making them fundamentally poor dating choices. Relationships require a lot of work, so it’s best to start one with a girl willing to pull her own weight.

2. Players
Players will charm, seduce, and even date you, but they’ll never start a real relationship with you. They’re bad to date because they jump from guy to guy and don’t offer any real long term potential. Plus, they don’t care about your emotions and will toy with you without a second thought. It can be difficult to identify players because they can be very good at fooling guys. If you’re having trouble figuring out if a girl is a player, look for the following:


  • She flirts with every guy she meets
  • She doesn’t give straight answers when asked about her dating history
  • She sends you mixed messages
  • She is charismatic and very good looking
  • She doesn’t always respond to your calls/texts


If she’s flirting with you and trying to get your attention, don’t fool yourself. You’re no different from all of the other guys she has tricked in the past. Instead of trying to date a player, do yourself a favor and find a girl who will stick around for longer.

3. Party Girls
Party girls aren’t any good to date because they just love partying too much. If you aren’t much of a party guy yourself, this can cause some problems down the road. To help you identify a party girl, here are a few things to look out for:


  • She goes out every weekend night
  • Her stories usually start with: “One night, I got so drunk that I…”
  • She’s frequently hung over
  • She’s well acquainted with bartenders, bouncers, and promoters in town


If a girl you’re interested in spends all of her time going to bars and clubs, you better be prepared to deal with the side effects of her lifestyle. Party girls can make poor choices while intoxicated which can devastate even the strongest relationships. Imagine a girl you’re dating gets all prettied up, and spends a night on the town with some friends. She may dress provocatively and will be in places filled with hungry and horny men. Adding alcohol into the equation only makes things worse. Do you really want to deal with the possibility of your girl friend making poor choices every single weekend? If you can’t keep up with her lifestyle, it’s best to just pass her up.

4. Gold Diggers
Gold diggers will go to great lengths to find and date men with money. This is a problem because they want to live a life of luxury without having to work for it. Gold diggers are usually very shallow and value money and material possessions more than anything else. This is obviously a problem because money isn’t the most important thing in the world. If you end up with a girl that is only concerned about the money you make, you’re relationship will be very shallow and meaningless. If you aren’t sure if a girl you’re interested in is a gold digger, try to identify these tell tale signs.


  • She expects you to pay for everything
  • She’s very disappointed when you don’t spend money on her
  • She pursues you more aggressively than you pursue her
  • She is obsessed with living a lavish lifestyle but can’t afford it
  • She is shallow and materialistic


If you have a high paying job, come from a wealthy family, or are projected to earn big when you finish school, be wary of girls that have a much stronger interest in you after learning about your financial situation. Gold diggers are only interested in themselves and will stop and nothing to get what they want. They’ll end up costing you money, but that’s not all. You’ll miss out on having real relationships girls that are interested in more than what is in your bank account.

5. Psychos
If you decide to date a psycho, you better be prepared for some very serious challenges. Psycho girls are characterized by being insecure, controlling, manipulative, and needy. Like the many other types of girls on this list, psychos are very selfishly motivated. If that isn’t bad enough, they’re the most difficult type of girl to break up with. If you start a serious relationship with a psycho and she becomes dependent on you, breaking up with her will take more than just a talk. She’ll kick and scream to the very end and might even make threats against you or herself. This is where things can get really dangerous for your emotional and physical well being. If you’re uncertain how to identify a psycho, here’s a quick list of things to look for:


  • Calls or texts you constantly to see what you’re doing
  • Discourages you to hang out with your friends, especially other girls
  • Never seems to trust you
  • Cries or throws tantrums to get her way
  • Emotionally unstable


Dating a psycho is a surefire way to make your life a living hell. Even if the sex is good, it comes at a very high price. You’ll feel like you’re on a leash and won’t have enough space and freedom in your life. If a girl you’re dating starts exhibiting typical behaviors of a psycho, you might want to consider breaking things off sooner rather than later. If you let her act like a psycho for too long, things will only get worse.

The Really Ugly Loud Ones

This has got to be the worst kind because too many categories fall into this one.   Most sororities as fraternities have people that aren’t the best looking in the bunch.  But do you have to be so loud and annoying about it?  These are the chicks that just go nuts and are usually the cock blockers of the crew.  They get sloppy, gross, and frankly I just think there should be a stop to this.

The Hot but Bitchy Ones

Most schools have a “hot” sorority.  This sorority is very selective of their members.  Not only do you have to have a hot gene but you have to have the innate ability to be a total snot to make the guys want you even more.  It’s like they are taught this skill.  We had one at my school and I know you have one at yours.

The Tomboys

“We can do everything the boys can.”  It’s nice when you have girls like this to party with but sometimes there’s just not enough “girl” in them and it’s extremely irritating.  Plus the whole loving sports thing kind of annoys me.  Be scared of a spider!  I won’t mind.

The Drunk Slutty Ones

Now that I look back at school my one regret (as most guys have) is that I didn’t have more sex.  Oh sure I hooked up plenty but why didn’t I opt for these girls more?  What a dumbass.  In retrospect who cares about the hot bitchy ones?  It’s all about partying and fun.  These were the best kinds of sorority girl, plain and simple.

The Dorks

Just as every fraternity has got a geeky dorky one, the ladies do as well.  It’s inevitable.  However, the key is when you have a semi hot girl from said sorority who doesn’t realize how hot she is.  Your goal is to get this girl drunk and see her wild side.  If you can it’s a tremendous victory.
The Over Achiever – We all know this one.

The Comedian – One of these in every class; some good, some bad. If you’re lucky, you’ll get the good kind. If you have no such good fortune, you’ll get a guy who badly copies Letterman one-liners and of course, asks terrible jokes of his ‘own’, ala: “Ever notice how Greenland is icy and Iceland is green?” Terrible, terrible, terrible.
The Girl With the Weird Name – Ya know this one.. first day of class, professor is calling roll.. he says “Z-..” and looks up with a puzzled expression, and some girl red in the face says, “Zaprena”, or something to that effect.

The Gothic – Wears a black trenchcoat, has black hair, paints his fingernails black. You’d think he wants to be black, but really he just wants to be dead!

The Quiet Girl – Never talks, probably masquerades as a superhero on weekends.

The Guy on the Cell Phone – Self Explanatory, frequents all walks of life.

The Challenger – Challenges every point made in class. Just like the doomed space shuttle, when something goes wrong, he blows up.

The Feminazi – Hates men, Advocate for female equality.

The Born Again and Again and Again Christian – Can be male or female. Stands outside right before every class passing out fliers for his or her religious student center. Makes stance on Abortion, the Vatican, and the rival denomination known. The fliers make good paper airplanes, but that just doesn’t seem to impress chicks at the college level.

The Really Nice Guy/Girl – Patient, tolerant, open, sympathetic and friendly, this guy/girl seems to have the saintly qualities of Mother Teresa. Available to talk at any time, about anything, they are incapable of anger or frustration, to the point that their warmth and patience seem over-done. At times they can seem to be “too perfect”, but you can’t help admire the effort they make for others.

The Environmental Protestor – Global warming, saving whales, caging animals, keeping the world “green”, globalisation. An environmental fanatic, this vegan has been to every protest held within the last ten years. Their stationery is covered with the classic “Meat is MURDER”, “No More Nukes”, “Greenpeace” and “Free Mother Earth” stickers. They converse mainly with like-minded types, and mostly about “the rape of the planet”. More than likely, this individual will own and use a motor vehicle and shop at multinationally owned stores, and will preach their green gospel to anyone who’ll give them the time of day.

The Under Achiever – Gotta love this one. Just sits in the very VERY back of the class and appears to be zoned out the whole time.

The Apathetic Upperclassmen – Usually come in pairs, two seniors or juniors who just want to pass with a D and proceed to cut up for a large amount of the class.

The Horny Boyfriend/Girlfriend Pair – These two sit together, usually with the guy right behind the girl, and the guy proceeds to poke and tickle the girl during the whole class.

The Intruder – The guy that sits next to the Boyfriend/Girlfriend Pair and attempts to get in on the action. This guy’s usually a loser.

The Zealot – This guy has an intellectual orgasm everytime he catches the professor in a slight mistake. Takes the class way too seriously; as if he’ll get crucified if he doesn’t get an A. Thinks he’s a Chemical Engineer in 4300 Calculus when he’s probably a Communication major and he’s in freshman level math.

The Homosexual – Simple enough.. but there are two kinds. One keeps to himself, the other attempts to use the class as a platform to propagate his homosexuality and such.

The Lesbian – Same as #17, but ‘herself’ and ‘her’ for ‘himself’ and ‘his’.

The Lesbian Couple – Every guy’s dream.

The Homosexual Couple – Every guy’s nightmare.

The Future Attorney – Argues every point made in class to the point where everyone starts throwing books at him.

The Addict – Starts fiending and shaking, usually for cigarettes but sometimes for harder drugs, halfway through class.

The Retro Jock – This guy wears his letterjacket from high school football to class everyday, even in 90 Degree Weather; can’t seem to let go of high school.

Theater Queen – Aspires to be on Broadway someday; Auditions for every school play and lands every lead role but never realizes there’s no one in the audience. Speaks in a melodramtic, emphatic voice, hoping a Theater King (Who doesn’t exist) will notice her.

The Beauty Queen – Walks, talks, acts, and dresses like a slut, without concern for rain nor temperature. Can be cool in winter weather because the cold makes the nipples stand at attention. Not that I notice that or anything though.

The Guy Who Just Woke Up and Rolled Out of Bed – Shows up 5 minutes late to class in the clothes he wore last night. Sleeps through the class.

Annoying Older-Than-Average Student – There is always some 50+ year old person who comes to class with either a briefcase or a some sort of macrom`ed bag, is ultra-organized, brings a casette recorder to lectures, and feels a sense of equality with the instructor because of their closeness in age. This person tends to think that each lecture is his or her own conversation with the instructor and robs the other students of their time and tuition money.

The guy who shoots down everyone’s ideas just because he knows that when people have confidence in themselves, they start making their shitty ideas known more often.

The Cro-Magnon Guy – This guy stopped caring about what people thought of him a LONG time ago. Dressing in whatever clothes are closest at hand, this character will wander the campus between classes, repelling at close range with his grimy, unwashed stench and lice-ridden hair, while revolting at a distance with antics that closely resemble the preening activities of primates.

The Creepy, Clinging Guy – This guy has always struggled for friends in spite of his endless efforts to make them. Any notice you take of him is something he gladly looks for, and if you show even the slightest recognition of his presence, you will automatically be identified as a friend, with a view to being a best friend. He exudes a “creepiness” which seems to come from the sheer desperation with which he undertakes to find a friend who’ll abide his “clingy” nature.

The Guy You Love To Hate – There doesn’t seem to be any identifiable reason why you dislike this guy, but he seems to possess an aura, a quality about himself that you can’t stand. Despite your efforts to rationalize your dislike this guy, and a brief attempt to even LIKE him, you find yourself repulsed by some unseen force. This guy is mocked and teased by everyone, a pariah that you pity, but only from a distance.

The Debater – This character is annoying at best. They will involve themselves in an argument with anyone about anything until they feel they’ve either won a point, or until their opposition concedes, either out of boredom or yield to their undying argumentative energy. There is no topic/theme too small for a debate. In fact, the more pedantic the debate, the more tenacity with which they put forth their point of view. Tend to befriend like-minded debaters and spend much of their time arguing about the most childish of things. These characters tend to excel at public speaking and drama.

Attention whores – They’re one of the few cases in which the male version is worse than the female.

On Edge Dude – This is the dude that always comes racing into class just as it’s about to begin, sweating like he’s just run a freakin marathon. He sits through the whole class with one leg bobbing up and down like he can’t wait for class to be over with. He bolts right as class ends. On Edge Dude is the guy who is always described by others like this: “I don’t know anything about that guy, but he’s really wierd”. On Edge Dude seems like a serial murderer waiting to happen.

The Old Dude – The old dudes always struggle because after years of working in a factory, they want to go back to college to get the degree again. They always talk to people like they know what they’re saying, but they don’t since they haven’t had any use for school work in 25 years. They either try to become friends with the teacher or hit on the ugly chick that no one else is desperate enough to hit on.

Stress Girl – Ya know this kind.. Overstresses on every paltry assignment to the point of insanity.

The Perpetually Stoned Dude – This guy is such a staple on college campus that he’s always represented in any college movie.

The Guy Who Got Here From Prep School – This guy went to a ritzy private school and you didn’t. The funny thing is, you both ended up at the same college, but in his universe he still has the right to look down his nose at you. He also thinks that the looks he’s getting from girls are admiration for the cut of his sweater, but really it’s revulsion.

The Pimp Masta’ – This character thinks college is only for picking up bitches. The good news: He’ll be gone by next semester. The bad news: Some other idiot with the same idea will replace him.

The Sheltered Child – This is the one whose parents didn’t want them exposed to any bad stuff. They’ve never gotten drunk, or high, or had sex, and frankly they don’t want to. They are also the ones who inevitably end up drunk, dead, or knocked up at a fraternity party.

The Dorm Animal – This character is at every dorm party, hangs out in everyone else’s dorm room 24/7, and usually can tell you exactly who on campus has drugs/television/cliff notes. Everyone on campus knows him. Nobody, however, can actually remember seeing him in a class.

The Advocate – This character has a cause. The secret to defeating the Advocate is to listen politely for 20 seconds, request whatever material he or she may be handing out, and mumble agreement. If you attempt to walk on by, you will be followed and forced to endure a lengthy diatribe about “the cause”. Never, under any circumstances, attempt to engage an advocate in debate about “the cause” because you will never, ever, ever convince them that their viewpoint is wrong and you will be late for your class that starts sometime next week. Potential counterploy: If an advocate is persistent, and of the same sex as you, you can stop them dead by asking them if they would like to continue this discussion over a candelit dinner at your place. Should not be used on gay rights advocates unless that’s your thing.

The Somewhat Confused Ex-Goth – The SCEG doesn’t know what to do. She gets off on being “out” of the popular crowd, but has discovered that here at college she’s below-average on the wierd scale. And everyone who’s less wierd is in a sorority now, so she has no clue how to behave. Not being hated by the general masses is confusing, and so she sort of hangs out on dorm room steps waiting for someone to give her shit, but nobody ever does because at least 25% of the people on campus are exactly the same.

The Depressed Guy Who’s Going To Drop Out Before The End of the Semester

The Foreign Exchange Student

The Girl Who Thinks People Care

The Fat Girl

The Oppressed Minority

Fraternity guys

Sorority girls


Involved with everything guy

Those damn girls that jump on their cell phone the second class is over. I swear to god I step out the door from class and 15 girls are yacking away to their boyfriend that they love so very much who is probably with another girl.

Oh yeah, and for college parties there are these types:
The Kegstand King
The Recluse
The Cigarette Bum
The Sneak – Sneaks his way into getting at least one hit of every joint/bowl smoked at a party, sometimes with promises of future repayment.
The Underage Kid – runs away when the campus police come.
The Innocent Girl – doesn’t stay innocent for long


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